45+ Best Good Morning Bible Quotes to start a new day

Good Morning! God bless all. By the grace of God Himself, we see a new morning every day. If we can use the holy good morning bible quotes as a good morning greeting our life will become beautiful.

If he didn’t want, we wouldn’t have got everything. Thank God for giving us life and for maintaining peace in our lives. Morning is one such part of the day that motivates us. If we can start every morning with God’s greetings, all our wishes and desires can be fulfilled. If our desire is honest, God indeed fulfills our desire.

Let’s collect some Good Morning Bible Quotes and these beautiful good mornings Bible quotes with anyone.

1. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. - Matthew 5:6
2. The Lord our God is the same Lord; And you shall love  your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. - Mark 12:30
3. If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive people, your father will not forgive your sins. - Mathi 6:14
4. Satisfy us in the morning with your loyal love! Thenwe will shout for joy and be happy all our days.-Psalm 90:14
5. Everything in the heavens and the earth, visible and invisible, has been created by Him. 
6. Do not despise the discipline of the Lord, do not grow weary when it is applied by him. Why doesn't God rule over whom He loves

Good Morning Bible Quotes about love

God loves each of us. This should be the duty of each of us, to love God. Everyone needs love in life. Only love can change our lives. God himself is bound in love. Jesus Christ throughout his life preached immense love for God. If we also follow the path he shows, we will not be deprived of God’s love. It is mentioned in various parts of the Holy Bible. Today we will look at some such love good morning Bible quotes messages, which will bring new light to our life.

Let’s collect some Good Morning Bible Quotes and these beautiful good mornings Bible quotes with anyone.

7. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love , for I have put my trust in you .Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. - Psalm 143:8
8. Hate what is bad, hold on to what is good.
9. I am trusting you,O lord , saying,"you"are my God".My future is in your hands.- Psalm 31:14-15
10. You shall acknowledge your God as Lord, serve him only.
11. If you love only those who love you, then what is the praise? Even bad people love like this.
12. Love your enemies and do them good. Lend without expecting anything back. Then there is a great reward for you. And you will be children of the great God because he has mercy even on the ungrateful and the wicked. Be kind, as your great father is kind.

Good Morning Bible Quotes for Motivation

Good morning Bible Quotes and messages add immense motivation to our life. If only we could make our loved one’s morning better by imparting such holy Good Morning Bible Quotes. So, God will be with us. Let’s send some good morning Bible Quotes to our loved ones which will bring new life to them. Enthusiasm for work will increase and bring positivity to life.

Let’s collect some Good Morning Bible Quotes and share these good mornings Bible quotes with your Student, Colleague anyone.

13.  Don't worry about tomorrow, leave it to tomorrow. Sufficient for the day's trouble.
14. Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Search, knock on the door, it will open for you. Everyone who wants, they get. He that seeketh, he findeth. And the door is opened for the one who knocks on the door.
15. This is why I tell you what to eat to live, or what to wear about the body. Don't worry. Life is not only food and drink and the body is not only clothes.
16. Oh ! taste and see that the Lord is good ! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. -Psalm 34:8
17. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. -Philippians 4:13
18. Be on your guard ; stand firm in the faith;be courageous;be strong.Do everything in love. - Corinthians 16:13-14

Good Morning Bible Quotes about Faith

If you don’t have faith in God, you don’t have faith in yourself. Everything that has been created in the world is by the Lord’s will. Nothing happens against the Lord’s will. So the will of the Lord should be trusted. If we can trust Him completely, our lives will become beautiful. God guides us to the right path and does not allow us to go astray. So if we can move forward with complete trust in him, we will be successful one day. Start your day and your loved ones with good morning Bible Quotes.

Let’s share these good mornings Bible quotes with your known person

19. The water I give, whoever drinks it will never thirst again. - John 4:14
20. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he gets thirsty, give him water. Don't give in to evil. Rather overcome evil with good.

21. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. - John 12:26
22. Love one another; Love one another as I have loved you. - John 12:34
23. Aha! God's wealth and wisdom and knowledge is so vast! His judgment is all sensible! His path is always in search. - Acts 11:33-34
24. Do not slack in care, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord, rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, persevere in prayer, share in the need of the saints, enjoy hospitality. - Acts 12:11-13
25. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good. - Acts 12:21
26. No one knows the things of God, only the Spirit of God knows. - Corinthians 2:11-12
27. When you give alms, do not let your hand know what your right hand is doing. May your alms giving be done in secret. Then your God, who sees everything in secret, will reward you.
28. Treat people as you would like to be treated.
29. Don't do any religious work to show people. If you do, you will receive no reward from your heavenly Father.
30. Bless those who persecute. Do not curse. - Acts 12:14-15
31. Come, let's not judge each other, rather you judge that it is not a duty to keep something disruptive or disruptive to a brother. - Acts 13:13
32. But when you pray, go into the inner room and close the door. And pray to your Father, who is not seen but is present. Your Lord, who sees everything in secret, will reward you
33. Flee from fornication, any other sin a man commits, it is outside his body; But he who commits adultery sins against his own body. - Corinthians 3:18
34. May you be righteous in your words, and victorious in your judgment.
35. They are full of all forms of ungodliness, wickedness, covetousness and envy, covetousness, slaughter, strife, deceit and mischief; slanderers, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, self-conceited, producers of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, transgressors, lovers of love. Ruthless, merciless. They knew God's judgment that those who behaved like this deserved death. - Acts 1:29-32
36. Those who hear and obey the word of God, these are my mothers and brothers. - Luke 8:21
37. No one comes to the Father except I am the way and the truth and the life. - John 14:6-7
38. Blessed are they, whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sins are covered;
Blessed is the man, on whose behalf the Lord does not impute sin. - Acts 4:7-8
40. The real God is one, and He will impute to the uncircumcised by faith and the uncircumcised by faith. - Acts 3:30
41. I will not leave you orphans, I am coming to you. - John 14:18-19
42. He will render to every man according to his works, to those who seek glory, honor, and immortality with patience in righteous deeds, eternal life; But those who are contenders and disobedient to the truth and are subject to unrighteousness, wrath and indignation, tribulation and crisis will fall upon them. - Acts 2:7-9

Good Morning Bible Quotes For Husband and Wife

Marriage is a very important part of human life. A man and a woman should be responsible to each other when they are married. Along with that should be faith and trust. God, Himself has also given this good morning Bible quotes in His Holy Bible. If we can send this kind of good morning Bible quotes or messages to our beloved husband or wife, surely he/she will be very happy. May his day be filled with joy and filled with love.

Let us share some such good morning Bible with our husband and wife today.

43. Let every man have his own wife, and every wife her own husband, to prevent adultery. -Corinthians 7:2
44. This is my word to the unmarried and to the widows, if they can remain as I am, so much the better for them; But if they cannot restrain their senses, let them marry; Because it is better to marry than burn in fire. - Corinthians 7:8-9
45. A husband should give his wife what she deserves, and such a wife should also be given to her husband. - Corinthians 7:3

Good Morning Bible Quotes About Spiritual Life

Our main duty is to name God where we are created by God. Living a spiritual life is not an easy task. But if we pray to God and live by it, surely we will have a beautiful life. It is very good if we start the day with God’s prayer in the morning and use the good morning Bible quotes sent by God in our lives and in the lives of others.

Let’s collect some Good Morning Bible Quotes about Spiritual Life.

46. None of us lives for our own sake and none of us dies for our own sake. Because if we live, we live for the sake of the Lord, and if we die, we die for the sake of the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord. - Acts 14:7-8
47. Each of us has to pay our own debt to God. - Acts 14:12
48. He who serves Christ is loved by God. And also tested to humans. - Acts 14:18
49. The night is almost gone, the day is almost here; so come We leave all the works of darkness and put on the robes of light. -Acts 13 : 12

So if our life moves forward in the path shown by the Lord, we will find peace, joy, and happiness. May everyone’s morning be blessed by God’s grace. You can use these Bible quotes in your own life and share them to make other people’s lives better.

But when you pray, go into the inner room and close the door. And pray to your Father, who is not seen but is present. Your Lord, who sees everything in secret, will reward you

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